Greenmin-700 ( For All Crops ) Formula-11 Greenmin-700 is a composition of essential micronutrients used as soil application in crops. All these micronutrients play vital role in physiological growth and bio-chemical metabolism of plants. This formulation helps the plant in better utilization of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash

Green calcium CN 18:15 Green Calcium is a water-soluble fertilizer beneficial for root development and growth of plants. These enhance potassium, magnesium, and calcium uptake from soil and remove calcium deficiency. Foliar spray of Calcium Nitrate during critical growth stages. prevents flower and fruit dropping and improves

Magmin-11 Magnesium-9.6% Magmin-11 is a single micronutriant fertilizer contain magnesium 9.6% in water soluble sulphate form It corrects magnesium and sulphur deficiencies and promotes photosynthesis in effective way to the plants .

Volgamin-12 Fe EDTA Volgamin-12 contain Fe EDTA in chelated organic form as Fe EDTA.It overcome Fe EDTA deficiency symptoms in plants and constitutes several enzymes in, chlorophyll productionDosage: Foliar Spray 200-250 gms of VOLGAMIN-12 in one acre.Soil Application: 500 gm of VOLGAMIN-12 to be mixed with 10kg